Civil Engineering Consulting Company DI Herbert LISKE operating since 1990 is located in Baden bei Wien (Lower Austria) and actually provides engineering services for Vienna as well as for Lower Austria.

For the City of Vienna and its related institutions activities as follow have been executed:

Support management and handling of urban development competitions as well as competitions concerning social housing projects particularly also their contents-related and procedural evaluation within the framework of “Vienna Housing Research”, and finally, the expertise supervision of the 1st Viennese Domestic Housing Award.

The company also was in charge of the subsidizing procedures and provision of tenant support concerning the renovation of municipal apartment complexes respectively urban development concepts/master-plans for residential and industrial areas are created.


The scope of activities in Lower Austria comprises establishing and reviewing of local spatial planning programs, local development concepts, land use plans and building regulation plans, but also city renewal activities (e.g. concepts regarding protected zones) and special regional planning-related studies (such as location and tourism concepts, urban development concepts, regional development concepts).

Spatial impact assessements and environmental impact assessments are also currently being carried.

Finally, co-operation within the European networks are actively sought by participating in EU-projects of the “Alpine Space - Program” such as
„CULTURALP – Knowledge and Enhancement of Historical Centres and Cultural Landscapes in Alpine Space“, and „CAPACities - Competitiveness Actions and Policies for Alpine Cities“.


Presently, our interdisciplinary team consisting of 9 employees features graduates of spatial planning, urban and regional planning, landscape planning and an economics intern. Expert consultants are entrusted with projects regarding specific requirements, and particular projects are approached in joint ventures.

>> read more about our field of responsibilities.

Das Zivilingenieurbüro DI Herbert Liske wird durch den Auftragnehmerkataster Österreich (ANKÖ) nach den Bestimmungen der BVergG sowie der ÖNORM A 2050 für öffentliche Auftraggeber als geeignetes bzw. qualifiziertes Unternehmen unter dem Firmencode 15089 geführt.